Dual MobiHub

Dual MobiHub

ULaaDS will develop and implement dual flow hubs building upon the existing mobihub concept. Originally created in Bremen (mobil.punkt) and then expanded to other cities and regions (Flanders, Bergen, Drenthe and Groningen) the mobihub provides a smart point in the transport network that seamlessly integrates different modes of transport through multimodal supportive infrastructure; including carsharing parking slots, bike-sharing docks, public or collective transport stations, EV-chargers and public cargo bike-sharing platforms, that will be further enhanced within ULaaDS. 

The ULaaDS dual MobiHub integrates the current mobility functions of the mobihubs with peri-urban and urban freight delivery functions. These work also as an urban X-Dock micro platform integrating urban depots from where the ULaaDS modular scheme for containerised last-mile delivery can operate. On top of that, delivery drop & pick-up points, as well as shipping pick-up stations like automated parcel lockers, will allow for flexible delivery.  Additionally, the dual MobiHubs will be useful for grocery and fresh food deliveries and will facilitate reverse flows (reverse logistics).

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The main advantages of this scheme are:

Land use optimisation, with lower costs for logistics space (managed by public authorities) limiting environmental emissions
Quick installation of solution (in most cases)
Increase in the number of successful first-time deliveries, leading to optimised delivery rounds, lower operational costs and higher customer satisfaction
Reduction of the need for last-mile deliveries: e.g. passengers moving through the dual MobiHubs can pick up their parcels/grocery while taking their most convenient mobility alternative (incl. shared cargo bikes for private cargo transport)

Containerised urban last-mile delivery


Sharing economy platforms for on-demand city logistics


City-wide platform for integrated management of urban logistics

