
Introducing ULaaDS’ sister projects: LEAD and SENATOR

Introducing ULaaDS’ sister projects: LEAD and SENATOR

The three new CIVITAS projects, funded under the same Horizon 2020 call, will collaborate to better inform their research development to build a vision of future on-demand urban logistics.

LEAD: Digital Twins for low emissions last-mile logistics

The LEAD project will create Digital Twins of urban logistics networks in six TEN-T urban nodes (Madrid, The Hague, Lyon, Budapest, Oslo, Porto), to support experimentation and decision making with on-demand logistics operations in a public-private urban setting.

City logistics solutions will be represented by a set of value case scenarios that address the requirements of the on-demand economy and the pressures caused by the increase of parcel deliveries while aligning competing interests and creating value for all different stakeholders. Each value case will combine a number of measures coined as LEAD Strategies to cover the complete dynamics and complexity of a city’s logistics challenges.

The project was launched in June 2020 and is coordinated by ETM Madrid.

Find more information about the project here.

SENATOR: Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics

During its 4 year duration, SENATOR aims to create a new urban logistics model focused on the four urban layers: end-receiver, transport, logistics and infrastructure.

The project will develop a smart network operator supported on an ICT Platform for integrated logistics operation. The platform will act on 4 levels in an integrated manner taking into account demand, the fleet and its multimodal options, intelligent route planning and urban infrastructure analysis, all in a dynamic manner. This allows the optimisation of freight delivery services in urban areas, leading to a decrease in the number and distance of delivery routes by real-time information, predictions & planning optimisation based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Moreover, it connects freight delivery services & collection points and it integrates all freight delivery requirements into urban planification.

To test its effectiveness, Senator will be validated in a real environment in 2 Living Labs: in Zaragoza (Spain) and Dublin (Ireland), led by Correos (State Postal and Telegraph Society).

The project was launched in September 2020 and is coordinated by Correos

Find more information about the project here.