The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen with its approximately 570,000 inhabitants is a harbour city in the North of Germany. The city is a forerunner in sustainable mobility – with a share of about 64 per cent of all trips done using sustainable modes (public transport, cycling and walking). Bremen shows the highest share of cycling of all large German cities (500.000+ inhabitants), and at the same time the lowest NO2-level – fulfilling the European Air Quality requirements.
Early on, the City of Bremen developed a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (“Verkehrsentwicklungsplan 2025”) that was adopted by the local government in 2014. Due to its clear orientation towards sustainable modes and its innovative participation concepts (like online participation tools and a participatory game tool for urban transport concept), it won Bremen the EU SUMP Award in 2015.
Bremen is a Lighthouse city within ULaaDS.
The “Green City Masterplan” of the City of Bremen (2018) contains modules of innovative logistics projects, and an ongoing update of the city’s SUMP and SULP aim at continuing the path towards sustainable mobility and logistics.
Already, innovative distribution concepts have been tested, as in the Urban-Bre project. Here, shipments intended for delivery in the city centre are collected at the city’s cargo distribution centre (“GVZ”) before being dispatched. Electric cargo-bikes and couriers then take over the last-mile delivery, allowing for environmentally friendly and sustainable urban logistics.
Bremen will demonstrate the following ULaaDS schemes in its research trials: scheme 1, scheme 4, and scheme 5.
City Profile